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SUSCOMはSustainable Brandsを通して

SUSCOM—Communicating through Sustainable Brands



Strong global communities breed future-enhancing innovation

Sustainability Communication Hub Co., Ltd. (SUSCOM) is a Japanese media entity that delivers a wide range of sustainability-related information, from small, unassuming local stories in Japan to revolutionary business models with the capacity to change the world.
We seek out interesting sustainable activities around the globe, and send staff to report their thoughts and impressions directly from the scene.
To extend coverage capacity, SUSCOM began communication through Sustainable Brands in 2016, a global community of 350,000 members across 86 countries and regions.
We will help lead the way to a better future by linking sustainability-oriented companies, information, epoch-making business leaders and society at large.



Since 2003, the genesis of environmental and CSR communication in Japan, SUSCOM has attracted experienced planners, directors, editors and designers who have established strong CSR communication parameters for leading companies. Not only publishing CSR reports, we also strive to realize high-level communications by utilizing the best cast of talent across an ever-expanding domestic and international network. We also developed our specialist SUSCOM media platform to convey various sustainability-related information to companies and individual citizens.
About Sustainable Brands

サステナブル・ブランズは、サステナビリティという切り口で、新しい時代を切り拓いていこうという、さまざまな分野のビジネスリーダーたちが集う、アメリカ・サンフランシスコ発のグローバルコミュニティーです。社会に対する言い訳や、横並びのCSR活動ではない、本当に価値のあるサステナビリティとは何か。企業の競争力を向上し、ブランド価値を創造するために、必要なことは? 国際的なカンファレンスの実施、Webサイトによる情報発信、Eラーニングの提供などを通じて、世界86カ国、約35万人のメンバーに働きかけ、よりサステナブルな社会へのシフトを推進します。

Sustainable Brands is a San Francisco-based global community of business leaders who are striving to carve a new era with a focus on sustainability. Rather than pander to society by pursuing lateral or listless CSR, the community explores what exactly constitutes true and valuable sustainability, and how to make sustainability a core driver of business competitiveness and brand value. Sustainable Brands organizes international conferences, publishes online information and provides e-learning material to its 350,000 members in 86 countries and regions to help shift the world to a more sustainable society.

▪ Featured Stories from Sustainable Brands


2017/10/31 フェアトレードのコンセプトを地域社会でも展開 日本のフェアトレードタウン運動


2016/12/26 独自のSPAモデルを活用し、バングラデシュの未来を良い方向へ変えていく


2016/11/29 「はかる」を起点とするビジネスで、食習慣と行動を変え、世界と未来の健康に挑む


2016/10/14 ガーナ栄養改善プロジェクト


▪ Suscom Original Contents

2017/06/20 世界最大級のヘルス&ウェルネス企業誕生から2年 活動の統合と推進、広がる可能性


2016/10/14 ユニリーバが、サステナビリティ分野の巨人になった理由


2016/10/14 ユニリーバが、サステナビリティ分野の巨人になった理由


2014/07/25 消費者の意識を変え、社会を変え、持続可能なビジネスをめざす

コカ・コーラ・エンタープライズ サスティナブル・パッケージング シニアマネジャー 上川氏インタビュー

▪ Featured Stories from Sustainable Brands

2017/10/31 Japan's Fair-Trade Towns: Applying Fair-Trade Principles at the Societal Level

The international Fair-Trade Town movement encourages authorities, corporates, retail outlets and community groups to promote fair trade and spread understanding of fair-trade concepts across its sphere of influence. Over 1,800 towns have been recognized worldwide. With three fair-trade cities, Japan may well lag other countries in the movement; but it has added its own, sixth requirement, which focuses on contributing to the revitalization of local communities.

2016/12/16 Fast Retailing Applies Unique SPA Business Model to Help Forge a Brighter Future in Bangladesh

Fast Retailing is building business frameworks in Bangladesh to establish a complete business cycle, from production to retail. It is working to resolve social issues by growing new markets.

2016/11/28 How Tanita Is Using Measurement Expertise to Change Human Eating Habits

One unique employee cafeteria has sparked a huge movement to improve nutrition in Japan. The cafeteria is owned by Tanita, a leading global manufacturer of precision electronic scales and health-monitoring devices.

2016/10/18 Successful Sustainable Development: Maintaining the Right Distance Between Companies, Communities

Two Inland Sea islands, Naoshima and Teshima, offer valuable examples of how companies should and should not play a role in regional redevelopment, and how to observe just the right distance between corporate action and local society.

2016/09/28 How Ajinomoto Is Working with Stakeholders to Create Sustainable Social Impacts

Ajinomoto fostered partnerships with multiple stakeholders to develop a viable social business for its Ghana Nutrition Improvement Project.

▪ Suscom Original Contents

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